Cornell University, NY, MFA
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI, BFA
Seer Unseen Exhibition, Rochester Museum of Fine Arts, Rochester, New Hampshire
The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking, Noyes Museum of Art, Atlantic City, NJ
- April to June
The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking, Media Arts Council, Media, PA
Virtual Exhibition with phICA (Phoenix Institute of Contemporary Art), Phoenix, AZ
Photo Exhibition, The Montecito Senior Living Center, Glendale, AZ
The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking, Fountain View at Logan Square, Philadelphia, PA
The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking, The Plastic Club/The Photographic Society of Philadelphia
(in celebration of their 160th anniversary), Philadelphia, PA
The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking, The Sketch Club, Philadelphia, PA
The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking, Perkins Center for the Arts, Moorestown, NJ
Digital Exhibition, Rochester Museum of Fine Arts (New Hampshire)
All I Knew Was What I Saw: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, Shemer Art Center & Museum, Phoenix, AZ
Acts of Looking, Stockton University Art Gallery, Galloway, NJ
Photographs, Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts. Millville, NJ
The Mystery of the Visible, Abe Zucca Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
Almost Seeing, {9} The Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
Surfaces: Joseph Podlesnik, Bokeh Gallery the MonOrchid, Phoenix, AZ
Surfaces, City Museum of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phoenix: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts. Millville, NJ
Phoenix: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, Bokeh Gallery the MonOrchid, Phoenix, AZ
Drawings - One-person show. University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac Art Gallery - WI
Paintings – Stockton University Art Gallery, Pomona, NJ
TRACE as a noun/a verb, Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, Portland, ME
PHOTO ArtFolio “Nocturne: Photographs After Dark” Online Exhibition - Night Walk, 2020, Boston, MA
Academic Visions: Southern NJ University and College Art Professors Showcase Exhibition, Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton University, Atlantic City, NJ
FOUND OBJECTS - Online Photography Exhibition. Decagon Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
THE LANDSCAPE at CURRENT MIDTOWN, Linda Matney Gallery, Williamsburg, VA
Arizona Photography Alliance Members’ Exhibition, Phoenix, AZ
Photographic Society of Philadelphia’s October Show, 162nd Anniversary Salon. Philadelphia, PA
’Ordinary to Extraordinary’ Photography Exhibit, Wickford Art Association, East Greenwich, RI
"Looking at Philadelphia", Philadelphia Photographic Society Show, Gallery of the Foundation Inter-Art
in Aiud, Romania
Juried into PHOTOgraphy 2023 Exhibition - Philadelphia Sketch Club, Philadelphia, PA
IN SIGHT - Photography - O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, Mill Valley, CA (Juror: Shana Lopes, Assistant Curator
of Photography at SFMOMA San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
Glasgow 2023 Sogo Arts International Photography Exhibition, Glasgow, Scotland
Figures or Faces Online Exhibition, Las Laguna Art Gallery, Long Beach, CA
Farm + Auto Exhibition, Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts, Trumansburg, NY
SMALL WORLDS: December In-House/Online Exhibition - The Plastic Club, Philadelphia, PA
International Juried Exhibition ONLINE gallery & exhibition catalog, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA
”Through The Lens 2022” Exhibition (2 photographs invited), Marin Society of Artists, San Rafael, CA
"Focus: Shadow and Light" Exhibition at Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR
”Nocturne” Exhibition, Auer Center for Arts & Culture, Fort Wayne IN
Philadelphia Sketch Club's PHOTOgraphy 2022 Exhibition (3 photographs invited), PA
4th Annual Arizona Photography Alliance Members’ Exhibition, Phoenix, AZ
Color Space: Contemporary Photography Exhibition (juried), Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR
Photography 41 Exhibition “Looking Up” (juried), Perkins Center for the Arts, Moorestown, NJ
Annual New Member’s Show, The Plastic Club, Philadelphia, PA,
PHOTOgraphy 2021 Exhibition, Philadelphia Sketch Club
Philadelphia Photo Arts Center Members’ Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA (July)
In the Commons - Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, Cherry Street Pier Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
”Seer Unseen, 2018” invited to the Rowayton Arts Center Spring Juried Show 2021, Rowayton, CT
Three drawings accepted to the Philadelphia Sketch Club's virtual 2021 Works on Paper Juried Exhibition
Visual Arts Program Faculty Exhibition, Stockton University Art Gallery, Galloway, NJ
Photography 40 Exhibition, 40th Anniversary of the Perkins Center for the Arts, Moorestown, NJ
Three photographs invited to Photowork 2021: 34th Annual National Juried Photography Exhibition,
(Juror: Audrey Sands, Norton Family Assistant Curator of Photography, Phoenix Museum of Art and the
Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona). Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, NY, January 16 –
February 20
"Small Works Show", 440 Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Salmagundi Club NYC 2020 Annual Open Exhibition in Photography for Non-Members, NYC, NY
Nature In Balance Exhibition, Shemer Art Center & Museum, Phoenix, AZ
Portraits without People, Juried Exhibition. Axis Gallery. Sacramento, CA
Sentiment and Surface, two-person show, w/ painter Mark Natale, Gallery 50, Bridgeton, NJ
RAW 2020 "Sense of Place" Exhibition (juried), Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton University, Galloway, NJ
Cityscape, three-person show, w/ William Fuller and Wen Hang Lin, ASU Northlight Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
Observation & Imagination, Missouri Gallery of Contemporary Art, Missouri Valley College, Marshall, MO
Abstraction/Obstruction, William Matthews Gallery, Denver, Colorado
The Art of the Figure, GalleryNorth, Setauket, NY
Dirt & Sole Exhibition, Elms College, Chicopee, Massachusetts
Alternative Reality Exhibition, FLOAT Photo Magazine. Group exhibition, Brooklyn, NY
Space Exhibition, FLOAT Photo Magazine. Group exhibition (juried), Brooklyn, NY
Space Exhibition (juried), FLOAT Photo Magazine. Online exhibition.
The Art Collectors II (juried), GalleryNorth, Setauket, NY
Art of Eating, GalleryNorth, Setauket, NY
The Journey: Photographs Along the Way (Sam Abell, juror), Morean Arts Center, St. Petersburg, FL
Deck the Halls Exhibition, GalleryNorth, Setauket, NY
Curated online exhibition, Relation -
TINY WORKS II, {9} The Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
Art at Kings Oaks (exhibit by invitation), Newtown, PA
Two-person exhibition at Ribbingsberg Galleri - Simrishamn, Sweden
STILL LIFE Exhibition (juried), GalleryNorth, Setauket, NY
Associates Body of Work Juried Exhibition, Arizona Artists Guild, Phoenix, AZ
Juried Show, Focus: Light and Shadow, Blackbox Gallery, Portland, OR (3 photographs)
Three-person exhibition at Ribbingsberg Galleri - Simrishamn, Sweden
Plymouth Center for the Arts The Fine Art of Photography Juried Exhibition
Arizona Artists Guild Open Statewide Juried Exhibition (2 works), Phoenix, AZ
Stockton Univ. Art Department Exhibition, LBI Foundation of Arts and Sciences, LBI, NJ
Snapshot in Time: A Contemporary View of Still Life, Davis Art Gallery, Worcester, MA
New Year Online Exhibition. FLOAT Photo Magazine. (non-juried)
Favorite Photograph Exhibition, Part VII. (non-juried)
TINY WORKS, {9} The Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Artists Guild Winter Exhibition, Phoenix, AZ
Juried Show, Photo Shoot (Open-Theme), Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR
Small Works Exhibition: Paintings. Blue Mountain Gallery, NYC
Exposure Photography Award digital display, Louvre Museum, Paris
InFocus Member Photographic Exhibition, Phoenix, AZ
Finalist Show, 2014 Hot Springs Photography Competition, Hot Springs, AR
Juried Show, Black and White: (two photographs), Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR
Faculty Summer Show - Stockton University Art Gallery, Pomona, NJ
Juried Show, Grayscale, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR
Juried Show, Landscape: Looking at Photography, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR
ArtLink, Art Detour 26 Group Show (“Michael Submerged”), Phoenix, AZ
Juried Show, Holy Daze show at the MonOrchid Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
Juried Show Camera Work: Contemporary Portraiture, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR
Faculty Show - Stockton University Art Gallery, Pomona, NJ
Drawings. Saskia Jorda & Joseph Podlesnik - Paradise Valley Comm. College, Phx, AZ
Studio Artists Show, Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts, Millville, NJ
Faculty Show – Stockton University - Long Beach Island, NJ
The Self-Portrait - High Street Gallery, Millville, NJ
Department of Art Faculty Show - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
South College, General Education Adjunct
- teach Art Appreciation to students earning degrees in healthcare, business, technology, education and
legal studies.
eCornell, Facilitator, Digital Photography Cornell Certificate Program
- facilitate digital photography certificate courses (basic mechanics, composition, lighting, digital asset
Stockton University, Adjunct Instructor of Art
- campus: Taught drawing, intermediate drawing, painting, figure drawing and design fundamentals
- online: Teaching Art Appreciation and an upper-level seminar course (which I wrote), titled “The Image and
the Eye”
2021 January-December
University of Southern Mississippi, Foundations | Art and Design, Adjunct Faculty (online)
- taught Drawing 101 (synchronous), Drawing 102 (synchronous) and Design II (asynchronous) courses
2016-2019 (until the school closed in 2019)
Art Institute of Pittsburgh-Online Division, Associate Professor/Lead Faculty, Art Foundations
- managed and evaluated 30+ adjunct Art Foundations instructors
- assisted faculty on online art instruction delivery methods
- scheduled faculty, reviewed faculty credentials
- served on curriculum committees; served as subject matter expert for various Art Foundations courses,
for which I developed drawing instructional videos
- assisted with annual Institutional Effectiveness reports
Art Institute of Pittsburgh-Online Division, Associate Professor, Art Foundations
- taught drawing, figure drawing, perspective, design fundamentals, color theory
- took part in course revisions
Observational Drawing Workshop, Scottsdale Artists' School, Scottsdale, AZ
Photography Workshop, Scottsdale Artists' School, Scottsdale, AZ
Paradise Valley Community College, Phoenix, AZ, Adjunct Faculty
- taught 2D design, drawing and web design
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, Adjunct Faculty
- taught design fundamentals
Cumberland Community College, Vineland, NJ, Adjunct Instructor
- taught intro drawing
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, Lecturer
- taught beginning and intermediate drawing
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Visiting Assistant Professor
- taught beginning and intermediate painting
- took part in bi-monthly studio critiques
- advised and critiqued the work of graduate students
Atlantic Community College, Adjunct Faculty
- taught art fundamentals, drawing, figure drawing, art history (prehistory to modern)
University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, Lecturer
- taught intermediate painting
Merit Award for photo “Cave Creek”, AAP Magazine COLORS #35 Edition
Placement on the list of photographers
Honorable Mention, Philadelphia Sketch Club, PHOTOgraphy 2021 Exhibition
Bo Kass Memorial Award, for “Youth Swimming, 2017” in the Non-Members Juried Photography Exhibition at
the Salmagundi Art Club
First Prize - Juror’s Choice, Noyes Museum RAW 2020 - 6th Annual Juried Photography Exhibition
(Juror: Lori Waselchuk)
Third Prize, Summer Photo Competition
One of the best entries for the 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Inez Hall Outstanding Faculty Award, Art Institute of Pittsburgh
Best in Show, Arizona Artists Guild’s Associates Body of Work Juried Exhibition
3-month sabbatical, applied toward writing the textbook, Observational Drawing
Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Monthly Faculty Spotlight
Featured in a 10-image Humble Arts Foundation Instagram Spotlight
Mention in painter Jenny Nelson’s blog, “Abstracting From Observation”
Photo Presentation, The Montecito Senior Living, Glendale, AZ
Photo work accepted to Getty Images
Photographic Art 2022 International Juried Exhibition printed catalog
Mini-review by photographer, Louis Dallara, of ”The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking”
”The Pain, Boredom and Euphoria of Looking” article in the Moorestown Sun newspaper, NJ
Self-published photobook, “DRENCHED”
"Poetics of the Everyday: An Artist's Journey". A presentation to the Photographic Society of Philadelphia:
11-image feature of photographic work in the Czech publication FOTO magazine, titled FOTO 42 -
Interview with photographer Frederic Mittelstedt
Guest presenter of photographic work (with fellow guest photographer Ed Wheeler) to members of TILT:
Institute for the Contemporary Image, Philadelphia, PA
Served as juror for “SEEING: A Solitary Essential” Photography Exhibition, Penn Studio School of Art,
Philadelphia, PA
Work from “The Veil and the Thicket” photobook featured in a Humble Arts Foundation Instagram “takeover”
Work from “The Veil and the Thicket” photobook featured in the Antidote section of the Maine Museum of
Photographic Arts website
Art From Here: Barrett Art Center kicks off the year with juried photography exhibition, Poughkeepsie
Journal, Linda Marston-Reid
Shoutout Arizona Interview: Meet Joseph Podlesnik, Visual Artist and Educator
Featured by the “My Dear Photo Masters” Facebook Group
Berkshire Fine Arts, Photographer Joseph Podlesnik (About Provisional Painting), Martin Mugar
Dumb Space, photobook (90 pages), b&w/color), Introduction by Martin Mugar
Forgetfulness, photobook (102 pages, b&w/color)
Juror for Glendale Union High School District “Young at Heart 2020” Student Art Show
Work featured on Instagram by Roula Seikaly, Senior Editor, Humble Arts Foundation, as part of the Axis
Gallery "Portraits Without People" exhibition
Lecture, for a course led by Liz Allen (Curator, Fine Arts Specialist), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Juror for “Garden Musings” Photography Exhibition, Shemer Art Center & Museum, Phoenix, AZ
Photographic prints (in limited and open editions) offered by Museum Editions Art Consultancy, NYC
Milwaukee: What Looking Looks Like in my Hometown. photobook, (54 pages, b&w/color)
Featured on The Poetry of Sight blog
The Case for Joseph Podlesnik as a Contemporary Master (subject of History of Photography I paper, written
by MFA candidate Jacob Jaynes, Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania)
Instagram Takeover (10 images) on Burn My Eye, by Zisis Kardianos
Poems perhaps - cover photo for a book of poems by filmmaker Jon Jost
Seer Unseen, photobook (58 pages, b&w/color), Introduction by James Elkins
Faces, Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, photobook (68 pages, b&w/color)
Contact with Things Seen, Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, photobook (66 pages, b&w/color)
The Trees, Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, photobook (54 pages, b&w/color)
Meet Joseph Podlesnik in Northwest Phoenix -
Featured in the August Edition of "Ain't Bad" (Independent Publisher of New Photographic Art)
Review of Acts of Looking: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik by Kelsey Sucena, FLOAT Magazine
Artist Spotlight: Joseph Podlesnik, SNJToday News art feature
Visiting Artist Talk, Arizona State University, School of Art, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Acts of Looking: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, (114 pages b&w)
Cited in James Elkins’ book What Heaven Looks Like: Comments on a Strange Wordless Book, p. 118
Interview with Joseph Podlesnik, by Christina Foard
Photographic work mentioned in Roy R. Behrens’ essay in the book CAMO MANIA
Mentioned in program on Jenny Nelson’s Abstractions Exhibition at Carrie Haddad Gallery
Observational Drawing, drawing textbook, published by TempeDigital
Phoenix Downtown Journal /Arts and Culture - The Mystery of the Visible
Phoenix New Times /Arts and Culture - The Mystery of the Visible, August
Selected as one of the best entries for the 2018 Sony World Photography Awards
Featured, April Newsletter, Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Online Division
Interview with Joseph Podlesnik, SNAPPED
Featured in the academic journal, The
Podcast interview with
Featured on Arizona Artist a Day
Featured on The Poetry of Sight blog (December)
Featured on The Poetry of Sight blog (October)
Almost Seeing: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, photobook (64 pages, b&w/color)
Hyperallergic author Jennifer Samet‘s review of the Still Life exhibition at GalleryNorth
The SandPaper, Arts in Parts, Stockton University Art Exhibition, LBI Foundation of Arts and Sciences
Plymouth Center for the Arts The Fine Art of Photography - Juried Exhibition catalog
Photographic prints (in limited editions) offered by Davis Editions Art Consultancy, Tempe, AZ
Photograph published (p. 68) in 2nd Edition of Foundations of Design, by Jeff Davis
Surfaces Photography Exhibition, Phoenix Uptown Magazine
Surfaces, Joseph Podlesnik, The Arts Beacon
Surfaces Exhibit at Bokeh Gallery, AZCulture Magazine, Phoenix AZ
Poets and Artists Magazine, Devotion issue (2 photographs)
AiConnections Artist Interview Series: Joseph Podlesnik. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh
Surfaces - City Museum of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Photo Shoot (Open-Theme) Black Box Gallery show catalog, Portland, OR
SURFACES book review on online magazine
SURFACES: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, photobook (70 pages, b&w/color)
Exposure Photography Award book - Documentary Collection
Drawings in Prof. Anthony Lombardi’s Introduction: Drawing en Plein Air, Rome Art Program -
- Portfolio of the Day, Capture 12 (May 8)
Feature in Portfolio section of FLOAT Photo Magazine
Artist Spotlight on Joseph Podlesnik, AZ Foothills Magazine
PHOENIX the Solo Photography Show of Joseph Podlesnik (press release)
PHOENIX: Photographs by Joseph Podlesnik, photobook (86 pages, b&w/color)
Work chosen for Dream Me Up Tumblr Photographic Weblog
Grayscale. Black Box Gallery show catalog, Portland, OR
Making Art and Thinking about Art, Daniel Maidman, “The Architectonics of the Head”
Landscape: Looking at Photography. Black Box Gallery show catalog, Portland, OR
Holy Daze invades Shade Gallery at MonOrchid, Phoenix, AZ
Run to the RoundHouse, Nellie: An Online Journal about Memoir. Feature: Self-portraits
Camera Work: Contemporary Portraiture Show. Black Box Gallery catalog, Portland, OR
Press of Atlantic City, June 19, 2013, Exhibit Features Works of Stockton Visual Arts Faculty
The Poetry of Sight Joseph Podlesnik: Marksman Par Excellence
Paradise Valley Community College: Reception for Saskia Jorda & Joseph Podlesnik
Drawing published (p. 15) in Foundations of Design, by Jeff Davis (Wadsworth: Cengage Learning)
Photograph on veteran filmmaker Jon Jost’s Weblog.
The North American Review. Cedar Falls, IA – illustration
Ballast Quarterly Review. Cedar Falls, IA – illustration
America Magazine. New York, NY – illustration
Q: A Journal of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Talking ‘Funk Factor’ with Adolph Rosenblatt, Interview with Adolph Rosenblatt
Q: A Journal of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Jack Levine: Nothing New, Nothing Old, Just Good and Bad - Interview with Jack Levine
Milwaukee Sentinel, Saturday, July 22, Painter pays tribute to world’s greatest artists
Photographic Society of Philadelphia
Arizona Photography Alliance
Museum of Arizona Artists (MOAZA)
Miriam Hitchcock (private collection)
Museum of Arizona Artists (MOAZA)
Wendel A. White, Distinguished Professor of Art (photography), Stockton University (private collection)
Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, New York
Perkins Center for the Arts, Moorestown, New Jersey
Missouri Valley College, Marshall, MO (one photograph, two drawings from sketchbooks)
Stockton University, Galloway, New Jersey
University of Wisconsin- Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Paradise Valley Community College, Phoenix, Arizona
Morris Gallery of Contemporary Art, Missouri Valley College
Northlight Gallery, ASU Herberger Institute School of Art (three photographic prints)
Noyes Museum of Art (permanent collection), Stockton University
Elms College, Chicopee, Massachusetts
Scottsdale Artists School, Scottsdale, Arizona
GalleryNorth - Setauket, New York
Missouri Gallery of Contemporary Art, Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Missouri
Wickford Art Association, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
Andover, MA
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Portland, Oregon
Phoenix, Arizona
Brooklyn, New York
Baltimore, Maryland
Silver Spring, Maryland
St. Louis, Missouri
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dunedin, Florida
Tampa Bay, Florida
Linwood, New Jersey
Tom’s River, New Jersey
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Simrishamn, Sweden
Concord, New Hampshire
Monmouth, Oregon
Sayville, New York
Newtown, Pennsylvania
Knoxville, Tennessee
Bohemia, New York
Oakland, California
West Concord, Massachusetts
Valley Cottage, New York
Westminster, Colorado
Morro Bay, California
Box Elder, South Dakota
Pomona, New Jersey
Upper West Side - Manhattan, New York
Denver, Colorado
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Petaluma, California
Aurora, Ohio
Woodstock, New York
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Ozark, Missouri
Tempe, Arizona
Harpswell, Maine
Austin, Texas
Upper St Clair, Pennsylvania
Columbia, Missouri
Crozier, Virginia
Germantown, Wisconsin
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Beltsville, Maryland
Scottsdale, Arizona
Westerville, Ohio
Cape May Court House, New Jersey
Grand Junction, Colorado
Hayward, California
St Charles, Illinois
London, UK
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Hood River, Oregon